Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Show and Tell

Show and Tell Green

First off...let me just say how happy I am on who Blue Cricket is featuring this week...Last week I had a really bad experience with some local charmers (from a different company) and no offense to their company and them but the personalities just turned me off and I walked away really wanting to buy...but just couldn't do it. see this company I'm thrilled beyond words....they do exactly what the other company did thing I did notice, they are a little less expensive! But, they guarantee their quality so don't confuse yourself that just because they are cheaper - they would be made cheaper. Just be happy that there is another company doing these at a better price (and with smiling faces!)

They have other charms too...not just photo charms. But, I personally LOVE the photo charms for Mother's Day ideas!!! :)

So thank you Blue Cricket Design and Thank you LilyLane! I'm happy today!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute ideas! Stopping by from Friday Follow! I'm looking forward to following you.
