Thursday, January 1, 2009

Some Past Baking

I guess Baking falls in the category of crafts right??? If not...oh well. I will just post a few of our favorite cookie and cake decorating days. I wish I took photos each time...cause trust me, I've got a few future Food Netword Stars on my hands!
Carter's 6th Birthday cake

Easter Cupcakes for Madison's class last year

Cookies Madison & Carter decorated with their names (they were very proud)

Getting started

For those of you who know know that our home revolves around crafts. Some easy...some that want to make you pull your hair out. I thought it would be fun to post our crafts that we make for others to try out....on those special cold, hot or just rainy days. We all know how bored we all can become. Hopefully, we'll find some ways to get past that boredom! :)